Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fashion Is Moving With The Trend Not Just Being Comfortable!

Many people say that fashion is just being comfortable in what you wear but actually it is just a stereo type concept of fashion. Fashion is all about wearing trendy and what is in! Being fashionable simply means wearing high heels, trendy clothes and stylish accessories. One cannot be fashionable in simple lower and top but of course comfortable. Youngsters are becoming more and more fashion conscious these days and they know that being fashionable is not just wearing comfortable outfit or accessories but going with the trend that leaves a fashion statement and impression on the people. One cannot be comfortable in high heels and it demands extra care while walking and same is the case with long evening gowns that needs much attention as well.

So if you want to be chic and remain fashionable then you need to go with the trend rather then searching something comfortable for you. Fashionable people always want to go with the global trend and they always search for something that is “IN” globally. So that wherever they go around the world they will be considered chic and stylish. Cocktail rings are in latest craze among fashionable people. You can perk up your attitude this season with some stylish attire. One can experiment with their eyelashes like using false ones, different colors eye-liners, can wear high heels sandals, and long evening gowns are always in fashion.

You can also go for green, mauve and red colors this season. Black is the color that is always in fashion and goes with every occasion. One should wear those outfits and accessories in which they feel stylish and chic. Comparing comfort with fashion is just very much unfashionable and outdated. Move on with the new trend and stay stylish forever and forget all the comfort level but wear it with cautions!

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