Monday, June 23, 2008

Know Yourself To Know More About Corruption!!

Anti Corruption Squad is an organisation whose sole aim is to fight against corruption from the grass-root level. There is corruption in every field. You will find powerful suppressing the weak and enjoy exploiting them to the fullest. Anti Corruption Squad is an upcoming online organisation that wants Support, Courage, and Determination of you people to fight against corruption and make India a beautiful place to live in, where every one will be free to move out with complete freedom. We need your support for that majority of people who live each second a miserable life because of corruption. So lend your hand in support and join “US”!

A man is a social animal and he wants to live life on his own terms. He will not compromise anything that comes in between his success and he will get it by hook or by crook. But does it mean that to get success, you need to choose wrong track? Absolutely not! But people are becoming blind and just to taste a bit of success they deceive, bribe, exploit and in short, become corrupted. People should analyse themselves that where they are moving, which is the right and the wrong track of life, who all are with him and who is standing against and then he should keep his each step very carefully.

Human beings want to live a luxurious life they are more into show off of their goods than their true identity and in search of all these things they go far and compromise with their values. If they don’t get the things easily they know how to twist their finger and get the work done. We, humans forget that what we are? What is our sole aim? We make mistakes and keep on continuing making knowingly. We think that every one is doing and we are not an exception. Why can’t we? No one is bothered, whatever you do. People are busy with their lives and they will not even peek into your matters, whatever you do.

Tell me how many of us will not hesitate in giving bribe, when necessary? We all will give, but then again the question arises that are you capable of distinguishing between the wrong and the right and to blame the politician or other people being corrupted? No you are not! Because it is aptly said that a sinner is a bigger criminal of the sin he has committed. If you give and take bribe you are equally responsible of your wrong gesture and marching ahead in making the society more corrupt. The one who has given and the one who has received, they both will be called corrupted and are equally responsible.

People are becoming corrupted and they fulfil the unwanted needs and the demands of other people just for the sake of getting their things done. It makes me very aggressive when people blame politician for the mounting corruption and forget what we are! We need to analyze ourselves and change the superfluous habits that we are engulfed in, if we talk about any change in the country and to make the other realise their mistakes then knowing yourself is a must. It is we who make the “Nation”. If you really want to do something for the country and want to stand against the corrupted people then you yourself should be strong enough to face the challenges of the society.

You should know your true self. What you want, where you want to see your coming generations should stand? It is all in your hand. It is the high time now to make it or to break it. Start analyzing yourself and in place of becoming the victim, be the judge of your own principles. Make the future better for the coming generation give them harmony, peace, and love and not just the breast-beating and crawling, terrible politics. Know more about the politics and believe me it is not at all spoiled as you think so! Join politics and help us in getting success in turning the lights off, of corruption forever! We will talk about the politics, because we have to be the part of the system to make it better.

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