Monday, June 23, 2008

Are You Afraid Of Politics?????

Anti Corruption Squad is an organisation whose sole aim is to fight against corruption from the grass-root level. There is corruption in every field. You will find powerful suppressing the weak and enjoy exploiting them to the fullest. Anti Corruption Squad is an upcoming online organisation that wants Support, Courage, and Determination of you people to fight against corruption and make India a beautiful place to live in, where every one will be free to move out with complete freedom. We need your support for that majority of people who live each second a miserable life because of corruption. So lend your hand in support and join “US”!

Politics, it is the one word that everyone is scared off. Are you the one I am talking about? No offence, but it is the truth that you have to face. Ask anyone that what they want to be and what are their aims? You will get an answer yourself. Everyone will say they want to be a doctor, a teacher, a scientist, an astrologer, or an MBA, but you will not find a single youngster, who will come forward and tell you that he/she wants to be a politician. People normally have straight fright and they are afraid to go on to the stage but politics fright is the another thing that is emerging at the speed of jet inside the youngsters.

They want to be everything but not a politician. Why they are so much afraid of politics? Everyone has its own perception to deal with the situations. People have this perception that politics today have become a corrupted kingdom, where political leaders rule and act like Czars and we, the common people are like their slaves and they have the full right to exploit us. But do you know who has given these corrupted politicians the seat of the kingdom? It is only we. We have made them kings to rule the country, then why are we so scared of the politicians and the politics?

The political leaders are elected by us only and we should understand this that the responsibility of political leader towards their country and its people possesses a lot of significance. We should give our vote to the best suitable candidate. Politics needs to be more healthy and new innovative ideas are needed to make the picture of the country perfect! I am not denying the fact, that there are some ministers who have made the politics a slum in which not a single youngster will be interested, but then the contradiction starts from here itself and that is to clean the slums, you have to jump into the slums to remove it completely.

Politics is not a bad option to opt for; in fact it shows how responsible you are and how much you think about your country. You need guts to plunge in the scenario of the political affairs. It demands faith, trust, and power. Politics is not a thing to get afraid off; in fact it is the platform to serve people by living in between the people. It is only you and me who can make the life worth living of people around us and remove corruption by joining the politics and removing the corruption from its very first mark. So join hands in support and keep “US” moving for the better future! We will keep on coming for the help of the people who are the culprits of corruption and we will remove it from the base.


maverick_says said...

thought provoking .article emphasized a lot on rampant corruption .but author should also take care of other vices which are prevalent rather than focussing entirely on offence to author's views but surely there are so many other vices which should also be taken care of....

vikisrinivas said...


read all ur blogs... well, to put it stght fwd... jingoistic posts'll not help.. and i find that almost every blog starts with a same introduction.. khush, i understand that the blog needs some publicity, but, lil, u must realize tht people wil start reading this blog only after they come to knw abt this.. so the necessity of "forcible propaganda" can be ruled out!! and pls, dnt keep tellin people wht to do... dnt beg people.. if they are interested, they'll join.. ulttimately, if they find ur contents ok, they'll do so... invite them and let them peruse thro ur articles and let them decide whether they gotta join or decide the other way.. we need supporters and not fans.. we need people who have the sprit to be the change and bring abt the change and not sympathizers who just join the forum cos, they're friends of u and me.. we cat afford tht.. if i had been someone too close to ur heart, i wudn't hav had the balls to post comments which might seem offensive to the readers.. since OUR frequencies match and we are open to comments/ criticisms we accept the realities.. my point maam, well, if someone joins the forum jus becos if he/she qualifies to be ur /my friend , we cant expect them to post their real views.. lil, we must realise tht the forum has been started wth some really noble intentions and some sanctum values.. all we need here is free voicing of views and venting out emotions..

btw, pls do not publish the picture f any politician... use cartoons instead..tho, i appreciate ur so called guts to publish some politician in ur forum, i feel its not wise to use real life physical examples which might portray us as sympathizers of some particular political outfit...

nothing to say more..

wil bang back whn reqd...

long way to go ahead..

wishing u all the best...

the above comments hav been posted to rectify and to better ourselves... and not to take a dig at u particularly...

no offense meant!!

tak it in a constructive way pls..


with loads of love and support

Unknown said...

there is a new youth political party with over 2 lakh members by now which is fighting corruption in its own way. to know more log on to

jyoti said...

we can change the political scenario only if we want to bring about the change in ourselves,develop the guts to oppose corruption and stop blaming others, todays generation is becoming aware of this political corruption,so you don't need to request people, as they will come willingly everyone wants to have a clean and a healthy society,electing the right candidate with a sound education backing will go a long way to destroy corruption in our society. There are many other vices rampant in our society which also needs a lot of attention hoping not to hurt the author, these things should also be considered...........